Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cherries Jubilee

This recipe is from Sweets to the Sweet by Susan Branch.  Check out her adorable book and more at www.susanbranch.com.

1/4 C. sugar
dash salt
1 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 cans (16 1/2 oz. each) pitted dark sweet cherries in syrup
4 Tbsp. brandy
1 1/2 pts. good vanilla ice cream

In a large skillet mix together sugar, salt and cornstarch; add syrup from cherries, but reserve cherries for later.  Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until thickened.  Reduce heat to simmer & gently stir in cherries.  Warm the brandy, ignite it & pour over cherries.  Scoop ice cream into dessert dishes and pour hot cherries over.

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